Celebrating in Sacramento! RCMA Gathers for Emerge 2022

Sacramento was the perfect destination for RCMA’s 2022 EMERGE event. We were so fortunate to partner with the team from Visit Sacramento who cared for us and all of the details of EMERGE with such excellence. 

For three days, hundreds of planners and suppliers gathered for connection, inspiration and education. We were refreshed by each other’s company, and by the warmth of sunny Sacramento. We hope this article provides some vivid snapshots of some of the rich experiences from this gathering.

“A great conference of event planners & suppliers is dependent upon having a great host city… and we experienced that here in the GREAT city of Sacramento.”  — Dr. Harry Schmidt, RCMA President & CEO


EMERGE pre-event offerings are anchored by “Super Tuesday” with serving, education and excursion opportunities. 

Early arrivers were given the chance to serve with local partner Impact Sacramento. These projects were designed to provide hope through meeting tangible needs. 

A group served at Hart's Underground Clothing Collection, a local organization providing clothing for unhoused people in Sacramento. EMERGE attendees helped sort clothing and assemble backpacks with school supplies and toiletries. Prayers and thoughts for the wellbeing of those in need were sent along with these projects. This was a humble effort to provide
a ray of hope for people in Sacramento. 

Extended educational sessions were also provided for Tuesday arrivers. Hands-On Hospitality, gave participants a behind-the-scenes look at event preparation at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento. Tech guru Corbin Ball led a professional development session on Technology for the Small Office/Home Office and Road Warrior

The ever-popular EMERGE Sightseeing Tours, hosted by Visit Sacramento, led attendees on engaging excursions including a Sacramento History Tour, Local Roots Tour, and WOW Mural Tour. WOW stands for Wide Open Walls, an organization that promotes diversity through artistic expression, bringing art to the world and to the local community through the Sacramento Mural Festival, international programs and arts education. What a treat it was to tour some of Sacramento’s beautiful collection of murals. 

“The mural tour was so interesting and informative. We learned a lot about the history of Sacramento and got to see so much remarkable and beautiful art.” – Katelynn Dempsey, Embassy Suites Denton Convention Center

EMERGE officially kicked-off with the Opening Reception at the Crocker Art Museum. The museum features the world’s foremost display of California art and is renowned for its holdings of European master drawings and international ceramics. We enjoyed live music, dance performances and hors d’oeuvres in the museum's stunning glass pavilion and historic spaces.


EMERGE is a time of celebration. Together, we celebrated our connectivity, relationships, hospitality, opportunities, and faith. This spirit of celebration was prominent right from the start of the first session. The soulful gospel music ensemble, James Jackson and Radical Praise, opened with the song, “Oh Happy Day”. They continued with “The Best is Yet to Come”, lifting us with the lyrics, “Today is the first day of the best days of your life.” What a great way to begin the conference with energy and inspiration!


2022 marks the 50th year of RCMA serving meeting planners and suppliers. During the first session at EMERGE, a highlight video of RCMA’s past 50 years was featured, and a large, interactive history timeline allowed us to add our favorite RCMA memories. An image of the timeline is included at the end of this article. Be sure to share your favorite RCMA memory! 

The first session continued with stories of meaningful moments from RCMA members. Willie Clay (Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile) shared about a low time during the pandemic that he was encouraged by an unexpected phone call. We won’t give away the details… instead, be sure to read Willie’s complete story in the RCMA Stories article in this magazine! Willie went on to say, “This is what RCMA is about – caring for others. I am a walking testimonial for RCMA!” 

Rebekah Albaugh (The Reset Conference) shared how as an event planner she found community in RCMA. She said, “We’re so grateful for the RCMA community – it is like a family reunion. This conference is a moment where we can serve each other, and that’s a beautiful thing.”  

Dean Jones, RCMA Director of Conferences and Events, recognized, Dwight Loken (Ohio Teens for Christ) and Henry Lancaster (The Way of the Cross/Youth For Christ) as the longest members of RCMA, joining in 1987 and 1988 respectively.


Most every EMERGE attendee agreed that the keynote from Carla Harris was an outstanding moment in the conference. Ms. Harris’ presentation focused on elements that “inform your success equation” that she calls “Carla’s hard earned and hard learned pearls, after being a woman on Wall Street for 35 years.” These brilliant gems of wisdom include: 

  1. Your authenticity is your distinct competitive advantage. Bringing your authentic self naturally differentiates you and builds trusting relationships.

  2. You must be comfortable taking risks. Risk-taking shows your ability to change and create, and opens you up to new skills, experiences, relationships, networks, and opportunities. 

  3. You have two types of currency – performance and relational. Performance gets you noticed, paid and sponsored – but your relationships are what make you known and trusted. 

  4. You must maximize your learning, experiences and network for your success. Always ask your network for help.“If you ask someone for help and they won’t, there is one word–NEXT.”

Countless attendees shared how they were impacted by Carla’s wisdom, including…

“I really appreciated Ms. Carla Harris. I really resonated with her message about being your authentic self. I also connected with the idea of using my network of people, and not being afraid to call on others that are empowered to help me.” –Connie Houston, TD Jakes Ministries

"One thing that she said that made me really think was her concept of taking a risk instead of keeping your head down. Even if I fail, I don’t lose, I get either a blessing or a lesson from the experience. That’s something I needed to hear.” – Linda Coleman, California Apostolic Fellowship and WWLG


Multiple opportunities were provided for meeting planners and suppliers to connect and explore partnerships in the EMERGE Expo Sessions. 

“I loved seeing everyone’s faces and running into all of the planners I know. There’s a lot of excitement, I could really see it in our booth this morning. Everyone is glad to be back.” – Patrick Uffner, Hershey Resorts

“An old client I worked with almost 10 years ago is here and all of the sudden we are going to work on something together again. I’m going back with 10 RFPs. Especially coming out of a down season, it seems like meeting planners are anxious and excited to move forward. I see a lot less hesitation to move forward, and that’s really encouraging.” – Bob Doering, Visit Jacksonville 


Most people when asked about RCMA, describe it to be like a family– you feel welcomed, accepted and cared for. Professional connections often extend into friendship. We all know that the best business is done in the context of trusting, genuine relationships. RCMA strives to foster an environment for that kind of authentic connectivity to thrive.

"Everyone told me that this was a very relational conference. It’s been really amazing to actually experience it. I’ve been so encouraged by the connections I’ve made with other planners. We’re all on the same team trying to make events work, and we share so much in common.” – Kaitlyn Zweber, The Navigators

“The best thing about RCMA is the diversity of people that come together. You’re coming from such different streams, and then you realize how much you have in common – not just in event planning. We learn so much about people’s hearts and where they are coming from. The love and unity that RCMA builds is incredible.”  – Tom Weaver, The Fellowship Network


"The way forward is with grace and compassion. We have experienced a dark time together. The more we care for each other, the more we can move forward together.”  – Meg Winchester, Visit Spokane

The fourth session of EMERGE 2022 featured an expert panel of convention bureau leaders from across the United States. The panel discussion, facilitated by Al Hutchinson (Visit Baltimore),  focused on the Road to Recovery… How to Lead, Love and Inspire During Times of Uncertainty. The distinguished panelist included: Mike Gunn (Visit Birmingham), Mike Testa (Visit Sacramento), Mike Butts, (Visit Charlotte), Heather Larson (Chicago NW CVB), and Meg Winchester (Visit Spokane). Here are a few statements that stood out: 

"Empathy has become so key. Leadership has become less about business and more about personal care. As leaders we had to ask, ‘what can we do to help our staff make it through this situation?’ Reassuring our teams that this is temporary has become very valuable.”  – Mike Testa, Visit Sacramento

"More than ever, partnership is required. My hope is that the openness, transparency and flexibility that has been needed in the last two years is the way we all continue to do business in the future.”  – Mike Butts, Visit Charlotte

EMERGE 2022 included 18 different breakouts across three dedicated educational sessions led by industry experts. Topics covered included: contracts, mapping data, hybrid events, food, technology, legal considerations, service, conflict resolution, and more.

“The workshops are amazing. Melvin Tennant’s session on ‘How Do You Spell S-E-R-V-E?’ was excellent. We also really connected with DeShawn Wynn’s conflict resolution breakout. It was very insightful information about being honest, working as a team, and valuing people. We’re just thankful for a faith-based environment and that you can really feel the community caring for each other.”  – Linda Marks, Int. Christian Visual Media Assoc.


The EMERGE Closing Event was headlined by William Close and The Earth Harp Collective. Mr. Close is an installation artist, musician and visionary who has developed over one hundred musical instruments including the famed Earth Harp that stretched across the entire ballroom! William’s performance was truly a spectacle of sight and sound; a soothing, rhythmic experience that surrounded us. 

What better way to close our event than to gather around tables for a delectable feast, enjoying one another’s company. In community, in relationship, we rediscover our shared hope for the future. 

“All of you are valuable. All of you make a difference. Influence is never neutral. The most hopeful person is always the most influential person. Walk in hope and remain people of hope.”  – Dr. Harry Schmidt, RCMA

For RCMA, the name EMERGE embodies a spirit of hopefulness; of moving forward together to higher ground; toward new opportunities, deeper connections, fresh innovations, and greater fulfillment and growth. 

We joyfully look forward to a new season of hope for all in the meetings and hospitality community.

Written by Michael Novelli, Executive Editor of Aspire, with Jennifer Schmidt, a Conference Planner and Church Executive.

Michael Novelli