Integrating Health and Wellness Into Your Event

Health and wellness is becoming a greater focus in events. WHY is it important, and HOW do we incorporate it into our meetings? We asked four industry leaders to share their experiences on this vital topic.

Why is health and wellness becoming a greater focus in event programming?  

Loretta Yingling: I believe that what we experienced with COVID in 2020 and 2021 really taught a lot of people the importance of health and wellness, most specifically: TAKING CARE of ourselves. Many people were burned out prior to the COVID shutdowns, and that “break” had many people eating better, exercising more, and realizing how good that made them feel overall. As we have returned back (many of us fully) into the meeting and events industry, there seems to be a strong pull to keep that health and wellness momentum going; making it a part of the meetings we plan and attend.

Donn Oswald: As we emerge and embrace the new normal, we are seeing attendees show a greater emphasis on their own mental and physical health. They are making healthier food and beverage choices, walking further distances and taking advantage of built-in program options like morning yoga or 5Ks. They come to expect these options when traveling and attending conferences. Gone are the days of large blueberry muffins and chips at the break tables as they are being replaced with fruit trays and hummus cups.

Pershawn Mattison: As a faith-based meeting planner I am cognizant of the wholistic approach to health and wellness which includes spiritual, psychological and physical wellness. I’ve realized that health and wellness have become a lifestyle for many that extends beyond workplace initiatives. It has become more personal to individuals in their everyday lives. People are more intentional when it comes to taking care of their mental and physical health. Incorporating health and wellness activities into events educates, promotes consistency, and encourages attendees to take an evaluation of their personal health and well-being. When health and wellness are intentionally incorporated into our events, it shows attendees that we are aware of the mental and physical wellness statistics in our community and that we care about their well-being.

Marlinda Henry: We’ve noticed that more people are taking health and wellness seriously in their personal lives, so this is something we have incorporated it into our conference schedule. Health and wellness opportunities allow attendees to get up early in the morning and move their bodies before we start our conference! Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship has made health and wellness one of its four pillars – Faith, Family, Fitness and Finance. We launched ChurchFit nationally as a proven concept to address health and wellness issues impacting our organization. It’s a comprehensive program designed to promote good health, fitness goals and promote wellness among participants. We have developed toolkits for congregations to implement ChurchFit, which provides educational materials that teach the importance of caring for our God-given bodies and staying healthy.

How do health and wellness opportunities enhance an attendee’s event experience? 

Loretta Yingling: I believe health and wellness opportunities enhance an attendee’s event experience because it shows that they matter;that the event organizers and the organization value the attendees as PEOPLE. We are not machines. We NEED to take care of ourselves. Sometimes, having health and wellness pieces incorporated into an event is just the push an individual needs to return to focusing on their health. It can also add excitement and competition, such as step challenges. It gives attendees something to connect about during the event. They can plan morning walks together, meet in the hotel fitness room to do yoga, etc. Face-to-face meetings are all about CONNECTIONS, and this just brings another level of possible connections.

Donn Oswald: In Phoenix we encourage our attendees to get out and explore the local environment. Be it a morning hike in the nearby desert preserve or just a jaunt down to discover one of our local coffee shops, there is plenty of sunshine/Vitamin D to be had. This provides for a more rounded experience, gets the endorphins moving and provides for a more attentive attendee. We recently incorporated a deep breathing session into one of our internal meetings and something so basic had such a profound effect to the productivity of our meeting.

Pershawn Mattison: The intentional planning of various health and wellness opportunities during an event gives the attendee the chance to participate in a non-intimidating environment while building camaraderie amongst fellow attendees and brings awareness to their own personal health and wellness.

What are the best ways you’ve seen health and wellness incorporated into events? 

Donn Oswald: We recently worked on a program for a company that worked primarily with truck drivers. We expected to serve an “All American Style” breakfast and comfort foods. To our surprise this company embraced and promoted a healthy lifestyle to their employee attendees. They coordinated morning spin classes, yoga offerings and although they served bacon, there were plenty of health-conscious options for their attendees to choose from. It was refreshing to see a company care so much for the health and well-being of their staff.

 Loretta Yingling:

  • Step Challenges

  • Meditation room/quiet room

  • Guided meditations scheduled during the event

  • Energy/Stretch breaks during longer sessions

  • Morning Yoga

  • Healthy/Whole food options on menus for meal functions (smoothies, fresh whole fruit, infused waters, plant based meal options)

 Pershawn Mattison: I’ve seen and have incorporated many creative health and wellness activities in events that were fun, engaging, challenging, and informative such as basic health screenings; hand, foot and back massages; one-on-one health coaching; step challenges; 5K runs; stretching/fit breaks to get people moving during or in between sessions; and live cooking and exercise demonstrations.

What are some tips for planners implementing health and wellness into an event? 

Loretta Yingling: Look to your membership! There’s a high chance that someone who is a part of your organization is passionate about health and wellness and will be excited to help you incorporate some aspects of wellness into your event. A lot of this can be done at minimal costs. Start small… you don’t have to add ALL the THINGS the first time you bring health and wellness into your event. Pick one or two that you think you and your planning team can easily add. See what your members think, and build on it from there! You are ALL worth it!

Donn Oswald: Provide enough free time in schedules for attendees to get out and explore, go for a morning run or discover a local park. Although it’s great to offer healthier items, make sure to provide a variety of meal options to satisfy all attendees. Avoid heavy plated lunches and opt for an entrée salad with lean proteins. It’s O.K. not to include desert for lunch. Always offer a healthy way to start the day. Whether it is a morning stretch, a deep breathing session or a spin class, your attendees will appreciate it! Tap into the local market for resources. In Phoenix, we have a plethora of health forward resorts/spas with yoga instructors, nutritionists and overall health consultants.

Pershawn Mattison: Be INTENTIONAL in your planning by knowing your attendees. All attendees should be able to participate at any fitness level. Plan activities from a wholistic approach. Health and wellness is not just exercising. Implement competitive activities (some attendees have a competitive spirit even amongst colleagues and friends), award and acknowledge winners publicly, and utilize Apps. Offer health and wellness tips with attendee video testimonials, and share recipes, websites, podcasts and any information that attendees can use to continue their health and wellness experience after your event. Along with your conference/event promo include health and wellness too. Wear t-shirts/hats/buttons promoting health and wellness such as Jesus+Therapy=HEALING. Health and wellness conversations have been taboo in our industry for a long time. Talk about it during general sessions and have a discussion panel with professionals and people that have struggled with health and wellness.

Marlinda Henry: Be intentional with health and wellness at your event. Make the opportunities fun and not just a workout. Each day, incorporate a different type of physical or mental activity. For some people, this may be their first time working out or trying this type of experience, so you want to make sure that it is very inviting and has a warm atmosphere. Your instructors must be able to adapt to the environment and teach at all levels.

Michael Novelli